Happy Birthday!

Yesterday, Dec 4th is anniversary day for my company. In the early morning of today, I received an official email from BOD to announce this. I think there is a little person who know or remember that birthday. 🙂

Today, the company is turning to 30 years of age. The email said,

“At a person’s age, you’d have graduated from university, you could have obtained a Master Degree and if you continued, you could have already been entitled with a PhD. But as you did not go for the PhD……?”

And then …

“Now, let me get back to my question in the beginning of this message – “What if you do not go for PhD?” Well, Multipolarian, if you are 30 years of age and don’t go for PhD, chances are, I guess, that you have chosen to have marriage bond with Multipolar.
Therefore, we should strive to produce more “babies” – by it I mean, Build our solid teams, and Build our prospective Businesses. Only in doing so, we can continue to safe guard our motto of: “Grow and Prosper Together!”

I just join with the company for 5 years ago. Who’s join with the company from 0 year? I think there is no one to do that. I count that the long of time that some one join with this company is less than 20 years. So I think they choose for to obtain PhD with other company.

Congratulations, anyway and thanks for the email. I think we can’t hide our excitement in this commemoratory day if you can adjust our salary up to the magic number, 30%.


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    Outside the Box – breadcrumbs from a random mind…

    Friday, 24 August, 2007

    Happy Birthday Matty!
    Filed under: Celebration, Family & Friends — Craig @ 11:01 pm

    Happy 21st Birthday to young Matt who as of today becomes a legal drinker.
    Look out America, you won’t know what hit you, but a nicer guy you couldn’t find.
    Let’s hope he manages to find his way out to Seattle, or Australia when I’m back home.
    Have an awesome day Sunshine!  Wish I could be there for the party, but when I finally do make it over, we’ll do retrospective drinks!


    I remember the day I turned legal (18 in Australia, sensible, huh Craig?). I think I stopped drinking at that point
    Comment by James — Saturday, 25 August, 2007 @ 8:23 am

    nice 1. happy birthday hot stuff.
    Comment by kato prior — Sunday, 26 August, 2007 @ 10:59 pm

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