
Kemarin (di tempat kerja yang baru), saya melakukan restore data-data pekerjaaan saya, termasuk juga arsip email saya. Setelah berhasil direstore, iseng-iseng saya baca email tersebut (sembari nostalgia :). Ternyata banyak sekali email yang berisi farewell / resignation from the company.

Berikut saya copy-paste isi email tsb. Bagi rekan2 di ex-office, kalo ada yg keberatan dan dg isi posting ini, pls let me know. Saya akan remove content farewell rekan2, sekiranya tidak berkenan.

Dear colleagues,

After 4.5 (four and a half) years with ******** Consulting, I am finally off to further my study overseas.

To management team: I thank you for your guidance during my time at *******.

To consulting team: I appreciate having the opportunity to work with you.

To all: I thank you for your support and friendship. Wishing you success in 2006.

Please keep in touch, I can be reached at my personal email address (see below). Thanks again for everything.

Before leaving, I would like to share something which I’ve read a long time ago and still inspire me. I hope it will inspire you too.

So, till we meet again …

Yours truly,

email: [email protected]

“In spite of illness, in spite even of the archenemy sorrow, one can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways.” — Edith Wharton

One of the keys to success is staying motivated because it is being motivated that keeps us going out the door every day to change the world and reach our destiny! It is our desire for a better life, for change in us and others, and for personal growth and fulfillment that moves our mountains! Desire!

Desire sure is a word with much more richness to it than the word “want” though they are essentially the same. “Want,” though, sounds like you could take it or leave it. “Desire” says, “I have to have it!” Desire, is “want” with a fire under it!

Unfortunately, we tend to ebb and flow from want to desire, even with the same goal! One day we may be passionate about building our business or growing our relationships and then, the next day, we find ourselves simply in the “want” camp again. The key to keeping on is to re-light the fire under want so it roars into a raging fire of desire! Then, and only then, will we see the passion needed to be tenacious pursuers of our dreams! Keeping the fire lit is what will see you through the mountains and valleys of life and the journey you are on to your success!

So what do we do? We light the fire! Here are a few thoughts to help you build the fire of your desire!

The wood:
Keep a clear mental picture of the goal. This is imperative. The picture of the goal is like the wood in a fire. It is the raw material. Know what your goal is and what it looks like.

The fuel:
Keep a list, if simply just a mental one, of all of the benefits of pursuing and reaching your goal. Make them as “sense” oriented as possible. “See” the benefits. “Hear” them. “Touch” them. This is like the fuel that we add to a fire to get it going. Now all we need is a match.

The match:
Keep yourself active! This is the match: Action! Even when you don’t feel like it, get yourself to act and soon you will see the fire burning because you have again ignited the dream! The more desire you have the more the fire burns.

Eventually the fire will begin to die out. Here is where you throw the wood on again, pour on some fuel, and if need be, strike another match. I would encourage you to not let the fire go out though, because it is easier to continually throw wood and fuel on an already burning fire than it is to start one up again!

source: PUT SOME FIRE IN YOUR DESIRE by Chris Widener

Dear All,

I feel that the time is running too fast, 4.5 years has pass. Feels as if it was my first time entering ***** and involved in the fast pace and challenging environment.

And at the final, I have to move on to another part of my life.

I would like to say special thanks to all of you for your friendship, guidance and cooperation. It’s been nice working with all of you.

Please forgive me if any mistake/s that I have done during my services directly or not.

I wish the best for *****, and all of us for the future and always keep contact.

Best regards,

To *****ians,

Today is my last effective day in *****. Over the years in *****, I have crossed path with many challenging projects, solid team, and outstanding professionals who left mark on myself.

Therefore, I wish to take this opportunity to thank all opportunities, teamwork, and friendship granted to me. I have to thank:
– Pak Matthew, Pak Ivan, Pak Edwin, and Pak Halim for the continuous guidance and courage during the projects.
– ***** Development Team for the giving me a lot of opportunities to work together and to participate in designing and building challenging applications.
– ***** Consulting Team for giving me giving me so much insight, thoughtful discussion, diversity of knowledge, and most importantly to be part of your excellent team.
– All ***** Staff for all your countless support, cooperation, and commitment.

Finally, I’d like to apologize If I did or said anything wrong during my tenure in *****. I hope that I have the opportunity to work together with you in the future.

All the best,

Dear All,

Last Friday (October 1st, 2004) was my last day at ***** (although officially I am resigning as per October 15th, 2004).

There were lots of memories that I have had during my employment in *****, the good things as well as the bad ones. I am sure all of those experiences will enriched my life and build me to be a better person.

Thanks to P’ Dicky and P’ Karib who have entrusted me to lead the implementation team installing BankVision at Bank Akita (and I am sorry that I could not finish it). Both of you have become my mentor for leadership.

Thanks to P’ Amul who also become my mentor, my friend, and my ex-manager. You always encourage me to be brave, trust my heart, and fight for something right.

Thanks to P’ Roy who for the past several months has become my manager and understanding my situation when I have to make this decision.

Thanks to P’ Surya who even though never be my direct manager, but always be there for me when I need him (especially when I face a problem with BankVision.. :p). You are always being the nicest guy in our group. Humble and close to your sub-ordinate are some the good things that I will always remember from you.

To all my teammate and co-worker, Ui, Chandra, Tina, Tajudin, Lely, Vera, Suli, Lea, Yoki, Fio, Mei, and Lippo’s group, DKI’s implementation team, thanks for being a good co-worker and friends to me. Lots of you have become my mentors too in learning BankVision software.

For all of the others, Imel, Idi, Linda, Carrey, Cahyadi, Vera Puspa, Achmad, P’ Bambang, Luke, Dimas, Susi, Mbak Cia, Harley, Alim, and those who I cannot mention one by one, thanks for letting me being part of ***** family.

Last but not least, I wish all the best for you and I apologize if somehow I made a mistake intentionally or unintentionally.

I hope that someday our path will cross and we could work together again.

Sincerely Yours,

Dear friends & colleagues,

I don’t know how to begin to express my appreciation for you. I don’t want to say goodbye but I just want you to know that I’m glad we met. You’ve brought me much happiness, laughters and joys.

Today is my last day in *****, but it doesn’t mean the end of our friendship. You are my friends forever. I am looking forward to keeping in touch with you all.
I just couldn’t mention the name one by one but, thanks to all for your friendship, guidance, critic, and advice for the past years.

Please forgive all my mistakes I had ever made during my employment here in *****. And wish you all the best in upcoming years.

Best regards,

Dear All,

Let me take this opportunity to drop a short note to say thanks
for all opportunities, guidance and supports given to me through
the years working in *****.

If by now I’m leaving, it’s not really an easy decision to make.
The moment passed here with so many wonderful friends and
cooperative colleagues is so impressive and unforgettable to me.
But, I believe that we can still meet each other around.

I wish all of you and also ***** a continued success.

Best Regards,

Dear All,

Let me take this opportunity to drop a short note to say thanks for all opportunities, guidance and supports given to me through
the years working in *****.

If by now I’m leaving, it’s not really an easy decision to make. The moment passed here with so many wonderful friends and cooperative colleagues is so impressive and unforgettable to me. But, I believe that we can still meet each other around.

I wish all of you and ***** a continued success.

Best Regards,

Dear All my friends in *****,

I would like to say “thank you” for every single one of you who supports me every single day, I still remember my first day in ***** as a fresh graduate in August 2001, and all this time I have learned a lot from so many great people in *****, and did not we go through happiness and sadness together? and “thank you” for just simply being my friend… friends don’t say “good bye”…

So I’m just going to say “See You Later My Friends…”

All the best Wishes from you friend,

Dear colleagues,

February 15th, 2003 is my last day in *****, I have spent 3.5 years working with you and its hard time for me to make this decision but I should move on to build my own future and pursuing my career in another stage of work life.

Thank you for the opportunity working with you, especially to be part of FIBU – ASD – API – ISSU team that give me a lot of valuable experiences in developing my career.

Many thanks to Pak Jip Ivan and Achmad Fachrudin for your leadership and kind guidance, also for Carrey, thanks for your help and support as my good partner all this time.

Last but not least, I would like to say thank you very much to Pak Handoyo for all your support and kindness.

And for so many people that I could not mention one by one.

Frankly, it’s been enjoyable for me to working with people like you.

I also would like to apologize for all my mistakes that I’ve made during my services in ***** directly or indirectly.

Once again, Thanks to all of you, I wish you all the best of luck and prosperity in many years to come and I look forward to cooperate with you again in the future, in any occasions.

Best regards,

Dear all,
At this occasion, I would like to inform you that effective today, I will be resign from PT ***** Corporation Tbk.
Lots of thanks for all your support, cooperation and friendship during my employment here.
It’s been a pleasure and an honor for me to join you in *****.
The experience I gained, the friends I made and the opportunity for me to make contributions to the organization as a whole are trully something worth cherishing.
Eventhough, we won’t be together again, I sincerely hope that our relationship continues.
And now it’s time for me to continue my way …
I wish you all the best of luck and prosperity in many years to come.

keep in touch,

Dear all,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your friendship and support over the past several years. During my fife and a half (5,5) years tenure with ***** Corporation, I have worked with many wonderful proffesionals and learned many things: friendship, love, solidarity, teamwork that have helped me to be a better person.

I now think it is time for me to move on to a new segment of my life. I have a baby to take care of and need more attention.

Again, thank you for everything that you have afforded me and please forgive my mistakes. ***** will always have a very special place in my heart.


Dear friends and colleagues,
after more than five years working in *****, it is time for me to move on. It is not and easy decision because I have great friends and colleagues like all of you.

Today is my last day in ***** and I want to say thanks to Pak Dicky, Pak Karib, Pak Roy, Pak Surya and Pak Amul for their support and leadership.

I also want to say thanks to Pak Handoyo, Pak Andreas, Pak Jip Ivan, Lea, Ui, Arief, and Tato for their support and guidance especially in my early employment in *****.

For Lippo Team; Agung, Dicky, and Teguh, thank you because I have a great time working with you guys, and I learn a lot from you.

For BankVision team and all my friends, thank you for your support and friendship. I believe this is not the end of our friendship, and I look forward to see you at any time and any place.

I also want to apologize for every wrongdoings I’ve made during my employment in *****.

Finally, I wish you all good luck and prosperity in many years to come.

Best regards,

Dear Colleague,

Today is my last day in a lovely company named *****. I can’t tell you all, how much I enjoy my working relationship with all good friends like you in the last 3 year and 2 month. I’m proud to be member of the big happy ***** family. It’s only that I’ve to take another challenge in another place.

As I’m still in IT community, I’m sure we will meet again soon, and I’m looking forward to work together again with you. Please accept my sincere apology if I made mistake during my employment in *****. Believe me, if any, it was unintentional.

Thank you for all your support. I wish you all and ***** all the best in 2005 and beyond.

Take care.

Best regards,

Dear all,

Selama dua setengah tahun terakhir, saya always paling sedih kalau terima email bertajuk “My last day” atau “Thank you” atau “See u my friend”… di mana kata2nya dimulai dgn “Dear all, today is my last day in ….”. Kok, mesti ada yang pergi yah ? Demikian tanya saya dalam hati waktu kecil. Tapi sejenak dua jenak kemudian, kesadaran muncul….. itulah hidup, ada pertemuan tentu ada perpisahan. Pokoknya ada waktu untuk apa pun juga di atas tanah yang kita pijak ini. Pertemuan biasanya selalu gembira dan perpisahan selalu (eh..tidak pasti ‘deng) diikuti makan-makan.. : )

Akhirnya…. tak diduga tak dinyana… kali ini terpaksa sayalah yang harus menuliskan email untuk pamit pada rekan2 sekalian yang kurindukan (duilleee…. lagi nyontek novel George Bernard Shaw nih…). Di dalam email ini, dgn tulus hati …. sambil bersimbah air mata di dahi dan di lutut (mana bisa tuh?) saya mengucapkan terima kasih atas dukungan semuanya selama saya berada di *****. Dua setengah taon berlalu dan tanpa terasa saya sudah lebih tue dua stengah taon… rekan2 juga tentu saja…. cuma, hubungannya apa yah ??? Maksud saya, selama dua stengah taon ini, tanpa terasa banyak kenangan memilukan yang terekam dalam memory ini… heheh misalnya : kekalahan tim basket ***** dari tim Bank Niaga, padahal tim kita kalo KTP nya dirata2in … paling juga 26; sementara kalo Bank Niaga dirata2in…. bisa dobel tuh omzetnya…

Tapi yg memilukan hanyalah dikkiittt dibanding yang membanggakan. Yang membanggakan selama bekerja di ***** adalah banyak nian tak ke’itung. Contohnye ? Saya pernah ditilang the police, trus polis itu nanya “Kerja di Karawaci di pabrik mana, Dek?” (pura2 akrab nih) Saya jawab “Bukan di pabrik Oom, tapi di *****, perusahaan komputer”….. trus bapak itu lalu ngebales “Pinterrr donk Adek ini”…. Hhehehe…bangga juga sih dibilang pingter…walo buntut2nya tetep aja ditilang.

Nah… sperti pepatah di atas… tiada ubi tiada talas (hehhe..priba’asa baru nih…) yang artinya : kalo ubinya udah habis, biasanya talasnya juga ikut abis, kata penjual es. Maksud gue… perpisahan adalah natural di mana pun kita berada. Sedih memang meninggalkan ***** dgn segala kenangannya. Tapi itulah… kudu mo bilang ape…? Bagi saya, ***** tetep perusahaan IT terbesar di mana bisnis nya menjangkau dari ujung sono sampe ujung sini, dari atas sini sampe bawah sono [maksudnya ***** sekarang lagi di atas nih…. 🙂 ]. So…banggalah rekan2 semua yang di *****….

“Din, lu lagi ngetik novel yah?” begitu pertanyaan seorang rekan yg baru melintas di meja saya. “Ya..amplop…bener juga. Saya kan bukan lagi nulis novel…. tapi nulis farewell email…” Oleh sebab itu, kubawa kesadaran kembali ke format SMTP dan segra bersiap menyudahi riwayat email ini dgn berterima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang telah berjasa memberi pondasi bagi karir saya…

So…Let me convey my special gratitude to : Pak Handoyo (he is the man behind my existence in ***** and he taught me a priceless lesson about working in IT environment), Pak Halim (for the wealth IT knowledge that shared to me), Pak Rene (my boss in ESP-BU that has also shared the abundance of marketing and sales realm), Indrajit (a friend that very generous in pouring his IT know-how during my time in Comm E… ), Hendra Halim (he is my first teacher in ***** when I sat next to him and in every 5 minutes bothered with “Hen, do u know about …. ?”) and …. ok, surely there is still a number of people that really have conveyed their good influence and knowledge on me… but if I mention them all, I guarantee, you will not read the next paragraph. To them; I just want to say Thank You… it’s impossible to throw away the good memories about you all.

And now, the very sad moment is coming…. is to say SEE YOU to you all (I don’t like say goodbye… I prefer SEE YOU). Hopefully, we still have a close relationship during the days after. Pls keep my contact : [email protected], I’m waiting for your email.

Thanks and see you again……

Dear All,

Today is my last day in here. And I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you. Over the year I have worked and so many of knowledge and experience I got from here. I hope useful for my carrier in the future.

Especially for my team, so much fun, laughter and moments we have shared together. And I really appreciated for the kindness and support that you gave to me. I couldn’t have done it without you. You were there each step of the way. Your friendship means so much more to me, than more words can ever say. Although this is nothing fancy, the sentiment is true. From the very bottom of my heart, I will just say…Thank You.

Please accept my apologized for convenience or inconvenient I ever do as long as I worked in here.

We say good-bye now but with a wish too see all of you again. You are all good friends to me and I grateful for you. I hope will meet you in another occasion. Thank you.


Dear All,

Today is my last day at *****…
I’ve spent 2 years working here and it is a very hard decision for me to leave *****.

I don’t know how to express my appreciation for all of you…
I just want you to know that I’m glad we met, you’ve brought me much happiness, laughters and joys.
Thank you for the opportunity of working at *****, especially to be part of BankVision Developer Team.
Lots of thanks for all your support and cooperation, it’s been a great pleasure working with you.

Please forgive all mistakes I’ve made during my services in *****, directly or indirectly,
hope we can still keep in touch in the future
I wish all the best for ***** and for all the member………
Once again, thanks for everything……..and keep in touch……..

“ As long as we have memories
yesterday remains…
As long as we have hope
tomorrow awaits…
As long as we have friendship
Each day is never a waste… “

You’re my friends forever… God Bless You !!

Best regards,

And.. the last is my farewell letter: 🙂

Dear all,

I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am resigning from *********, effective December 30, 2005.
I have enjoyed my tenure here and appreciate having the opportunity to work with you.

I would like to say many thanks to my managers for the support, guidance, and encouragement you have provided to me during my time at *********. Thank you for the opportunities, for professional and personal development that you have provided me during the last five years. Also for my team, my colleagues, thanks for the great supports and friendships.

I deeply appologize for my mistakes I have made during my employment at *********.

Even though I will miss all of you and the company, I am looking forward to starting a new phase of my career.

Finally, Happy new year to all of you. Wishing you and the company a prosperous New Year 2006.

Please keep in touch, I can be reached at my email address ([email protected]) or at cellular phone, 0818-792XXX.

Thanks again for everything

Thats all!

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